Friday, March 23, 2007

Easy Ways To Teach Your Child About Colors

The world is a kaleidoscope of color, and teaching your child about colors is fundamental to their learning process, right? To assist you, here are some tips to help your child recognize and identify colors.

· When dressing your child; say the color of the outfit.

· Take out some fruit and place it on the kitchen table. Sit the child on your lap and point to each fruit; naming the color.

· When you go for a walk with your child, point out the different color flowers.

· Using the wide variety of child’s books that are available; specifically picture books that are very colorful, point out the colors.

· Purchase a large box of crayons, and using white paper to scribble on, repeat the name of each color crayon you use.

· Purchase a package of multicolored construction paper.

Babies love anything that’s colorful. Whether its balloons, toys, stuffed animals, dolls or blocks – they seem to hone in on bright colors such as red, blue and yellow. With Easter soon approaching, it is the perfect time to introduce them to a myriad of colors via Easter eggs. Another approach is to take them to a park where all of the swings and see-saws are brightly colored. Or a stroll in your garden is another perfect to show them bright colors as well.

As your child points to an object, verbalize the color and what the object is as well. Keep repeating the color over and over as you point to it. If your child calls an object another color than what it is, just verbalize the correct color and eventually he or she will make the connection. Also, you can show your child different stuffed animals in a toy store which have brightly colored attire.

While these tips to help your child recognize colors are just the starting point, you can also use other tools which are also available in the learning process. Baby food is another way in which you can present colors to your child. If you take your child to the zoo; there are so many colors you can share with your child. Take out your tin of buttons. These are a wonderful tool to demonstrate different colors to your child. Also, if you use scrunchies, show them to your child as well. Making the association between the color and the object is an important component in the child’s learning process. It’s important to make it fun for the child. In this way, every association made will be invoke a happy memory later on.

About the Author: Nicole Dean co-created to help her child and others prepare for Kindergarten in a fun way. To get your free sample lesson, stop by today.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gardening with Children

Starting a small garden with your child or grandchild is an excellent way for children to learn to learn how to care for the environment and gain an appreciation for the many birds and insects with whom we share our gardens. Tending a garden also serves as an introduction to the changing weather patterns and the seasonal cycles of nature from planting the seed, harvesting (e.g. eating the vegetables, picking and drying the flowers or collecting the seed) and then preparing for the next season. They also learn an important life lesson in responsibility. If they don't water and nourish the plants they can die through lack of attention.

If you can, With your child decide what kind of garden your child would like - butterfly, herb, flower, vegetable etc. To make the project more fun and real buy child sized gloves, planting tools, wheelbarrow and watering can.

Sketch a plan for the garden and mark off the area in the garden. Maybe a flower garden around a playhouse or a small vegetable patch they can call their own.

Turn the soil breaking up any lumps and condition with organic compost if necessary.

If you don't have a suitable area of ground use container pots, planter boxes, or even an old half wine barrel will do.

Children can get interested in gardening from a very young age and with a little encouragement discover this fun hobby while enjoying the two things they love - dirt and outdoors.

With very young children it is easier to grow flowers directly from seed. The roots on seedlings easily become damaged as they take them from the pots and transplant into the soil.

Let children choose their own plants and look for easy germinating types such as Cosmos, Snapdragons or the all time favourite Sunflowers. Bulbs are also a great favourite amongst young children but they can be typically impatient waiting for the bulbs to sprout and grow.

For vegetables - carrots, peas and strawberries tend to be a favourite as they are easy to grow and great to eat. One study found that when four-and five-year-olds spent about 30 minutes a week for eight weeks tending a garden, they were more likely to eat their vegetables. A challenge for most parents.

Create a garden journal and take photos as the project progresses so your child will have something to remember over the winter months until the next season begins.

Copyright © Netwrite-Publish Home & Garden.For more ideas for home, garden and everyday living visit

Author: Jill Black
Title: Gardening with Children

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How You Can Be a Better Parent

I got this article in my email which I would like to share with you. It is important to note as in the article that every child is different and should not be treated exactly the same way. There may be a certain guidelines or ways to treat certain child or situation in a certain way but there should be some flexibility in apply these guidelines and ways. The other thing which I totally agree with the author is that we better watched what we do or said as our children will be watching us. As the quotation goes, "children do not do things that we asked them to do, they do things which we did."

by Joseph Then

When it comes to parenting tips how are you going to know if you are going to receive the right kind of response to what your question may be. In reality you don’t know if you are getting the right answer because each and every child is different as well as the situation that they are in and having.

When you are looking for a little bit of parenting advice you may want to look a friend that did have the same problem that you are having and talk to them about what some solutions that they could have found that did work. You are even able to talk to your doctor about any problems that you are having with your children, they are going to help steer you in the right direction. They may be even able to let you know of someone that is going to help you out with all the problems you are having at that time.

You may even receive a few different parenting tips from your family that could help you out with any problems you are having. One thing that you are going to want to remember is that your children is a big part of your life and they are going to copy everything that you are doing later in life. You are going to want to make sure that you watch what you do and say so that they do not repeat any and all of the situations you have been in.

The best parenting tip that I have ever received is that your children are a gift to you not a chore or burden to you. That is true because there are many people out there that are not able to have any children at all.

The bad part is that many of them that are unable to have children could and probable would be some of the best parents out there for children. You are really going to want to take some time to be with your child and try to understand what they are going through because some of the problems today are going to be completely different than when we were younger. That is because the times and technology has changed so much in the past years.

In conclusion, parenting is not an easy role to play. As a parent, you have a part in molding the next generation. Whether your children will be a useful person in the society or not will be up to you.

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Teaching Good Manners To Kids Is Not That Hard

We all have experienced one or more incidents of children crying and whining while their mothers have been searching the department store for that "fabulous" pair of shoes they saw on a television show. The truth is that you were annoyed and although you know that this was not the child's fault, you secretly disliked the kid and even more his mother, as she allowed it to annoy everyone and did not pay attention, as she should, to her toddler. That was rude and kids can be taught not to be rude.

I recall an incident that happened a long time ago when I was still a child. My parents took me to the beach since this was the only way to cool down that hot summer day; the temperature in Greece can reach very high levels during the summer. As we reached the point that would host our existence for the rest of the day, I remember my mother kneeling to assist me get rid of my clothes and help me prepare before running loose to play under the sun. I had to wear my lovely pink pair of plastic shoes, in order to avoid any injuries, my hat, which I thought it was rather funny, and a generous portion of sunscreen on my skin, to protect it from burning. That last part of the beach "ritual" I hated. I did not like the fact that I was feeling my skin being greasy or that water drops seemed to stack on my arms and legs. I immediately begun complaining while my mother was about to begin applying the lotion, when my father turned to me and said "I know you hate it. I do too. But, first nobody here wants to hear you complain. They came to relax and enjoy the sun. Second, we have explained to you that the sun is dangerous and your skin is still very white. If you do not let your mother finish the application, you will later hurt all over and you will not be able to come with us again here tomorrow."

I immediately stopped. I still remember my father's face. He was not yelling nor threatening me. He just stated the simple truth. My skin would burn and as I looked at other families on the beach I realized that kids who have burned their skin, because they did not allow their parents to protect them, were miserably looking at other kids playing while they had to stay under the shadow of an umbrella and do nothing.

Whether your child has a serious concern or is just bored and tired, you can help it understand that crying and screaming will not assist its situation. By realizing that if you treat your child as if you were speaking to an adult, using simpler wording and examples they can relate to of course, your kid will mature sooner and respect others peace and quite; yours included.

About the Author: Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including
Family, Kids And Teens, and Computers

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